
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mika Beth and Miller's {Design Market}

Is there anything this girl can't do?

Her photography is simply stunning~ her house is decorated divinely~ her girls are absolutely breathtaking {and dressed better that anyone i know!} and now...we see she can design cards too! She was asked by Miller's Lab to be a part of their {design market}.

If you haven't signed up for a Miller's account, you're missing out! I've always been impressed with Miller's~ they have great customer service and fabulous products! I'll talk more about my favorite Miller's products {and show some things} in the coming weeks. Go check out their site...

Tomorrow is more from Mika Beth...

**don't forget to sign up for the FREE marketing telesummit on September 28th and 29th. They have an amazing line up of 16 photographers...{very successful photographers!!} who will share about marketing your business to make the money. I highly reccomend this...I saw some of these photographers at the Imaging Expo in changed the way I did so many things in my business! Especially for anyone just starting out..sign up...did i mention it's free!!



  1. Simply sutting images, design and decor! Very inspiring!

  2. Gorgeous!!! Seeing these cards I SO wish that Millers worked for me! I just have too much trouble with calibration with them. I don't suppose these are available anywhere else??? The house is so beautiful too. Such a talented woman! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Just discovered your blog. I think I'll spend all morning scrolling through these amazing photographers you have featured here. What a wealth of inspiration! I'm going to fill up my google reader today. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I love these templates!! I can't sign up for a Miller's account though, because I live in Victoria BC. BOO! Any idea whether I can buy these templates some other way and have them printed somewhere else?
