
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

what's gracing the walls at the Locklear home?

Don't we want to see more of Marta's work? Check out Marta website and blog...I could spend hours there!

Here's a little more for you...

I think {I know} I will copy Marta's display with
the all white frames...
I love that idea! I have so many frames that will be getting a coat of white paint...and will be gracing these walls soon.
So...Miss Marta can decorate great too! She's pretty awesome, uh?
And I'm heading to meet her soon...we promise lots of pictures!

I'm hoping we'll see her studio tomorrow!!
come back and join us!
{and hello to the bazillion new people that have joined us...we are happy you are here! {come be inspired!!}



  1. What a beautiful home and thanks again for sharing! Love it!!!!

  2. Wow, wish my home was so photogenic AND beautiful. What a wonderful place to live surrounded by your art.

  3. I looooove how you display work from the photographers you feature. It is so inspiring, and great to find it all in one place. THANK YOU!!!!

  4. I've been hemming an hawing over what to do for my walls. I LITERALLY am running out the door for white spray paint... it's such an obvious choice for my decor too! Duh!

  5. I love the picture of your daughter with the doll. I love the innocence of it. I have also been looking for idea of how to display my photos. Thanks for the inspiration.
