
Friday, October 2, 2009

{happy Friday}

It's been a lovely week with Jessica Kettle {thank you Jessica} and thank you Leslie Kerrigan for helping out this week!

Next week will be "back to normal" with our weekly giveaway.

Today is the very last day to purchase the marketing telesummit on case you didn't listen to all 16 hours...which I didn't so I bought it...{and still haven't gotten a chance to listen yet...this weekend I will}.

Did you listen?

Tell me about your favorite part...what did you learn...was there one thing that really clicked with you and will change the way you do things? Leave me a comment and share...I'd love to hear it!

Here's the link to purchase if you haven't is the last day it will be available...check it out and the speakers are also offering discounts on some of their favorite products!

Have a great weekend...fall weather is here...enjoy it!!

Someone ask me to post the picture again with the "fabulous blue Audrey Hepburn office" it is...



  1. I purchased the Telesummit MP3's and have been learning so much. I have only listened to a few of the speakers and am picking up on so many great things I will be incorporating into my business over the next 6-8 months.

  2. Beautiful and creative!!!
