
Monday, October 12, 2009

Meet {and Greet} Angie Warren

Come visit The Creative Mama!
Angie's favorite post from The Creative Mama~
Angie's Camera Bag...Nikon D300



  1. Great shot of baby and dog - I'll have to remember that one!

  2. Angie ROCKS!!! As does the Creative Mama! She has quickly become one of my favorites!!

  3. I met Angie I think through Twitter? From the get go, I knew she was a person to get to know. Then she did my Workshop and through countless late nights of online chatting we became great friends. I am honored to be a part of her Creative Mama, and even more honored to be her friend. Angie is one to follow folks, so be sure to add her to your daily dose of blog reading and visual eye candy!

  4. Oh I love Angie! I was able to get to know her better through Marta Locklear's workshop and she is just incredible....great photographer and her way with words really amazes me :)

  5. She's a cutie! Thanks for sharing her on your blog! Wow. There are so many amazing photographers out there! I just love looking at this site EVERY day.

  6. Lovely feature about a lovely person. Congrats Ang!

  7. Angie I have loved getting to know you and the more I read the more I love :-) Can't wait to get to know you even more over the coming months!
    Oh and I am totally a flip flop girl myself ;-)

  8. Wow Angie, this is so great! I too met Angie through Marta Locklear's workshop and believe she will go far with her talent. Wonderful interview.

  9. I love Angie too! She is not only extremely talented, but she is a warm-hearted, generous, beautiful person (inside and out). I enjoyed reading more about her here! (xoxo Angie!)

    Shana Rae
    Florabella Collection

  10. Not only is Angie a great friend, but she is an excellent photographer. She recently did newborn photos of my daughter and they are beautiful. Everyone who has seen them has commented on how wonderful they are. I've been telling anyone I can that she is a creative, professional, and talented photographer.

  11. I was (and am) one of Angie's original "groupies!" She has become a fast friend, a hug when you need it the most, and an amazing source for learning tips about photography. I am so grateful for her patience with my many questions. Love her!

  12. I love, love, love, Angie! You could not have picked a better photographer or person to profile. Kudos, Savvy, and bravo, Angie!! XOXOXO
