
Friday, October 30, 2009

meet {and greet} Joyce Smith!!!

here's how to get the book Joyce recommends...
Understanding Exposure: How to Shoot Great Photographs with a Film or Digital Camera (Updated Edition)

take a look at what's in her camera bag...
Canon EOS 5D Mark II 21.1MP

Nikon D700

Canon 85mm 1.2L

Nikon 85mm f/1.4

{giveaway will follow later's really good!!!'s from Joyce!}



  1. Out of all that great advice and fabulousness...the part I was most inpired about is where she goes and chooses the clients clothes!!! That is an awesome suggestion for even making clothing recommendations...I know that has to be paired with caution but I'm really starting to realize that the clients need the photographers "expertise" in all areas, not just the camera.

  2. I love everything you have! What talent and personality too. Thanks a million for contributing.

  3. Thank you for sharing more about Joyce! She rocks and I have all of her Wordsmith products, which have changed the "way I do business". Happy Friday!

  4. Oh I just adore Joyce and her products! So fun to learn more about her here. Fab feature!

  5. ah! so excited to see this! i am just starting out portfolio building and i love the phrase "people do not value FREE". that is so true and i will take it to heart when it comes to my love of photography and this beautiful business. oh and never part with my nikkor 85mm 1.4- i so know what you mean!

  6. What a fabulous package! Thank you for your generosity! Great feature!!

  7. I puffy heart Miss Joyce! She is a rockstar in the photog biz but is still so humble and I'm super duper proud to call her my friend! LOVE you Joyce!!

  8. Joyce thanks for sharing! I love what you do, lady! :)
