We have one more vendor to feature...our newest sponsor!
We want to welcome Simply Couture to the Savvy blog!

Your name and the name of your business...
describe your business in five words..
Boutique logos, templates for photographers
do you work out of your home {in your jammies} or do you work out of an office/studio?
I design in my studio, a little retail space in the historic downtown area.
where can we find you on your time off?
On my time off, I enjoy gardening and decorating with my 6.5 years old daughter and watching my 2.5 years old boy playing in the park. In winter time, I love having hotpot at home with my family.
why do photographers need your product/service?
Simply Couture Designs helps photographers and boutique owners to create one-of-a-kind branding and marketing materials to jump start their business. We also offer a variety of Photoshop templates for baby announcements, holiday cards, albums and calendars for photographers. Our template designs feature a variety of styles from modern, whimsical to vintage and bold. Photographers can quickly and easily create stunning cards and albums to impress their clients and drive up portrait sales.
tell us your favorite joke...
What does a baby computer call his father? Data.
Thank you Carmen!
Carmen would like to offer 20% off throughout vendor week for Savvy readers with coupon code SAVVY20. Please head over to Simple Couture Designs on facebook to "like" them and write on their wall that you were sent from Savvy Photographer blog.
Tomorrow we will announce more details about a big giveaway from some of the featured sponsors...and a fun facebook game we will play this week...lots of goodies to win!
We are just ending our day here in Japan and we are thrilled my husband arrived home tonight from another deployment...it was a short one {only a month and a half}...but long enough! It's nice to have him home!
It's been great to see what the different companies have on offer, thanks.