Your Name: Tina Flohr
Location: Chambersburg, PA (south central PA)
How would you describe your style of photography? fun, relaxed, funky, casual, stress-free. I love to capture moments as they happen, chase little ones around, make women feel beautiful and men feel relaxed in front of the camera. Sessions with me are more hanging out together than anything else. Chit chatting, shooting and getting to know you. I leave all of my sessions with new friends, which I LOVE!

Do you work out of your home or a studio? I work out of my home. I would love to find the "perfect" studio, but I don't want to just settle. My schedule now is conducive to working out of my house, so it fits. It may not always fit in the future, but it's like a glove right now.
Tell us about your business before the Savvy workshop? Oh man! Before the workshop I was naive, scared, uncertain. Not sure what was next or how to take the next step. I was building my portfolio and just needed the extra push in the right direction. Lucky for me, the Savvy workshop changed all of that!
How has it changed since returning? I am way more confident and secure in my style. I learned that everyone has their own style, I don't have to fit into a particular "mold" and if I stay true to myself then I will build the clientele that I want. Which ultimately gives me the the GREATEST clients ever and the ability to work my own schedule. I don't have to book a ton of sessions and stress myself out, in the end this is the perfect melting pot for my family.
What do you think is the most important thing you learned from the Savvy workshop? Most important, do what works for you! That was the amazing part about this workshop. Most of the ladies attending were moms and we all discussed how we keep sane, keep our businesses thriving and our families happy. I learned that I absolutely can say, "no" and that I absolutely need to make sure I keep time for my family. Otherwise, you'll get burned out very quickly!
What was your favorite part? The amazing ladies! I went with a love of photography and knowledge that this is what I wanted to do, and I left with confidence knowing that I can do this and these ladies that poured out incredible support. I tear up thinking that I have friends that will last a lifetime that bloomed from 3 days of learning. We all put ourselves out there and became better because of it.
Fun facts we want to know about you:Favorite Savvy indulgence~ a glass of wine, fresh flowers in mason jars, tea light candles, the sun setting and my husband and i sitting on the patio. perfection.
Favorite place to shop~ online! i love trendy pieces mixed with a lot of traditional and pops of color. i've been loving all of these cute boutiquey stores that have been popping up on facebook. Zozobug Baby Lillypops Designs (are two off the top of my head)
Favorite vacation spot~ by far Bald Head Island, NC....BEAUTIFUL! Our family enjoys day trips and it's not uncommon for us to head to NYC for a day or DC, those always rank up there with our favorite family mini-vacations. We love to show our girls what's "out there".
Favorite blogs to visit~ oh man...can I copy and paste my whole blog roll?? I'm into DYI and food blogs right now, so I have a lot of those. Of course I'm a photography blog stalker! I also enjoy scoring pinterest for amazing finds. I know it's not a blog, but man that sucker is ADDICTING! Oh, I also love stalking all the lovely ladies I met at the workshop :) It's nice to see how they are all doing.
Favorite subject to photograph~ wee ones, young adults, families...but definitely adorable little wee ones :) (my girls rank up there as my all time favorite subjects) ;-)
Favorite products you sell to your clients~ albums! I love to create albums! I also love LARGE prints, and canvases. I've been dong a fair amount of float wraps. I think I personally like those the best. Just open and hang on your wall :) Easy!
Favorite thing about being a photographer~ the people I meet, the moments I help document and editing. I love opening up my images folder and finding that one image I know the parents are going to DIE over. I use photography as my "soother" as well. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I dress up my girls and snap away...I always feel better when I can look at their images and see their innocence. Melts me!
Describe your perfect day~ wake up on my own (no noisy alarm clock), my girls have fixed me breakfast and the perfect blend of freshly ground coffee with cream, my husband has opened his wallet and literally shoo'ed me out the door to go shopping with my fabulous friends. After finding deals of the century, I come home to an amazing dinner and (previously mentioned patio set-up) dessert. HA! Of course, this won't really happen until my girls are MUCH older ;-) For now, I'll settle with waking up (again with no alarm clock), grinding my coffee and creating the PERFECT blend of deliciousness to help perk up my morning. The girls won't argue at all and after we are all dressed we'll head outside and tend to the garden. I'll make a niblets tray for lunch and then invite our closest friends over for a bbq. We'll finish the evening with the kids playing flashlight tag, all of the hubs laughing loudly and the ladies ooooohhing and uuuhhhmmmming over dessert. :)
Your website: (under going a website makeover, so my site is redirected to my blog.
beautiful! I love how you say everyone has their own style and there's no mold we have to fit into! That is so true, and it is good to hear as a reminder every now and again. I love how authentic your images are -thank you for sharing!