Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Arigato from Japan Earthquake Victims

This morning as I started my workday, I went to Facebook (I don't know why I feel the need to start my day with this, but like many of you, I do)...and started reading (again) all of the ridiculous comments back and forth from many having such bad things to say about others and it made me sad to be a part of this industry. The cattiness of all of it is's this what people really want to spend their time doing? 
And then....I saw this video on Facebook. It touched me like you wouldn't believe...tears are rolling down my cheeks. These are the things that really matter. These people lost so much but they are not on TV (or Facebook) complaining and fighting...they are thanking everyone for giving so much to help out in the time of need. Watch the video...grab a kleenex before'll need it.
Today be thankful for all you have...and pray that tomorrow when you wake up you still have it. Because it can be all be taken away quickly. 
And please continue to pray for the people of Japan...they are the kindest people you'll ever meet.



  1. you are so right. thank you for posting this.

  2. You were NOT kidding about the tears. It was like a faucet! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you for sharing this. Every word you said is true.

  4. you weren't kidding about the kleenex. thank you for sharing this powerful reminder of what really matters. deeply moving.

  5. I to have been really disappointed by all of the bashing that I've been seeing on Facebook and recently wrote my own post on Go{4}Pro about it! But this video, (yes, tears were streaming) it so poignantly expresses how we should ALL truly behave.... WITH KINDNESS, with compassion and with love!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful video Marsha!!!

  6. Thank you for this. This was amazing, and has wrecked me for the day :)

  7. I have actually withdrawn from facebook groups and forums because of the bashing one particular photographer in the MD area does, including to me (and I've never met her and have been in business for 18 years). Thank you for posting something real and touching-it will make many, hopefully, stop and think :)

  8. Before I watch (might need to save that for tomorrow since I already have a headache), I just wanted to say thank you, both for what *you* posted on FB about this and what you said here. As a newbie photographer, fear of just this kind of reaction makes me hesitate to put myself out there. Knowing that there are true and genuine and wonderful people like you makes me feel a little braver.

  9. What an incredibly touching video. I'm not sentimental and don't cry easily, but this one really got to me. Thank you for sharing and for reminding us all what is most and humanity. Happy holidays.

  10. your right i should have got some tissue first! Such an amazing video!

  11. oh my gosh that was such an amazing video. I cried like a baby but it made me thankful, happy and hopeful for how well they are recovering. We forget about other peoples suffering if its not happening on your own front door step. Once the world is united then we will all be able to live in peace!

  12. Awesome...thank you so much for sharing!

  13. beautiful. thank you for sharing.
