Finding what you love to do and making a career out of it is something Ana Brandt knows a lot about.
After attending six different schools in New York, New Jersey and California and taking the same photography courses at each of them, Ana finally met a professor, who at the end of the semester, gave her the push she needed to do what she loved.
By photographing pregnancy and newborns, Ana found her passion and created her businesses, Ana Brandt Photography and TAOPAN – The Art of Pregnancy and Newborn.
“I am a strong believer in finding what you love and specializing in that,” Ana says. “Clients can come to you for all types of photos but be known for something specific.”
Ana has lots of things she loves that all go hand in hand with her love of pregnancy and newborn photography. She teaches workshops, write books and has a store that sells baby clothes and pregnancy gowns. Ana is definitely someone who has made a success out of something she loves.
Below is my interview with Ana Brandt. Be sure to check out her websites, and
How did you get into photography?
Somewhere, a long time ago, in my teens, I was given a camera. I never thought much about it, except that when I picked it up I thought it seemed to freeze time. From that point on, I have never been without a camera. As an adopted child I have no photos of my early childhood or my biological siblings. I know now, that that it is why I was so fascinated with the little black box. I feel like my photography career just kept evolving. For ten years, from ages 18-28 I was "Aunt Ana" to the constant flow of new nieces and nephews. Everyone I met...every flower I loved...and every sunset I envied were my subjects. I spent years just perfecting my exposures and techniques and just learning. I took little money here or there and never really thought of it as a profession until one of my jobs as a web designer prevented me from shooting during the day. When I realized that staying in the web design world would prevent me from photographing, I quit my day job and never looked back.How long have you been a photographer?
12 years as a pro.

What inspires you as a photographer?
Oh wow, well several things…When I know I am capturing a moment in time that can never be replicated. The trust my clients have when they hand me their 7-day-old baby and say, “we trust you.” And lastly, when the light falls just right on a subject and I am a witness.
Photography is what I love and do with my life, so I honestly find inspiration anywhere. I am a very visual person as well and I love well-decorated homes and colorful clothes on children. I love to just grab my camera and shoot away.
What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?
Personally, when my now 8-year-old wrote me a note of how much she loved me and how great of a photographer I was. Career-wise....when Ian Ziering’s (actor-90210) wife said she loved my work after photographing her pregnancy pictures, and I was the baby photographer for them. I have photographed other celebrities however it was just nice to have them put their trust in me.
Were there any books, classes or workshops that helped you in the beginning?
I used to be a big Barnes and Noble person because back in the day there were very little workshops or classes. I was a big Ansel Adams and Anne Geddes fan, so I bought all of their books and studied them. I have pretty much read every child photography book or other business book I could get my hands on.
What do you think makes your business so successful?
I would say my patience and marketing efforts, and they do go hand in hand! I market constantly and I mean constantly. I am always on the lookout for new opportunities. My clients also refer many people because they know I am very patient in any type of session. I also think, more than anything, it is because I know my craft. I have spent a solid 12 years working on pregnancy and newborns, trying to continually challenge myself in my work. My clients know that I am confident in my work. Confidence in photography is a big thing and it draws clients to you if you have it.
What has been your best marketing idea?
My OB Displays. My first display was 10 years ago, and I had no idea people even did that. I asked my OB if I could do a model call. I wrote on an 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper a request for models. I told the OB I would give her wall art from all of the patients they sent to me. No one had ever taught me about displays so at the time I thought it was my best. I still think it is, because I have had OB displays for a solid 10 years and I am currently working with 3 hospitals on providing artwork for their OB wings.
What is your favorite part of photographing pregnancy and newborns?
Well for pregnancy, its showing the true beauty of the woman by the right angles and clothing, and if possible the relationship between her and the father - if I can capture that, it’s a good day. For newborns, anything really! They are all consuming and take all of my energy. When I am in a newborn session, nothing else exists, nothing else matters…I am fully absorbed in the session and so anything I capture that makes the parents smile is good for me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE holding newborns so I think that maybe that is my favorite part!

Any tips for those starting out shooting newborns?
Yes – practice, practice, practice - and when you are done, practice some more. You need confidence. No one wants to hand their newborn to a nervous photographer. Be strong and be confident! The parents will trust you and so will the baby and then you can relax and focus. Also, know all of the tips and tricks when working with a newborn. And, there are many of them! Having the room warm and clean is crucial. Fresh blankets at EVERY session and disposable wet pads are essential. Music or white noise is important as well as educating the parents on what to expect.
What tips do you share with new moms on how to prepare for their newborn shoot?
First, we explain to them how bringing in a baby within the first 14 days is super important for the best images, however just as important as bringing in a baby early, is the baby’s weight. If someone has a 5 pound baby, I do not want them at 10 days, I want them to gain a little weight first. Whereas, if someone has a baby between 7-8 pounds, we will want them within 10 days. We basically tell them to call us within days of having the baby so we can discuss weight and any other issues that are important. This is such a sensitive time. Mama may be recovering or struggling with nursing, or the baby may have severe colic. We spend quite a bit of time talking to the parents before and after delivery. We also give them a list of foods NOT TO EAT at least 48 hours before the session. What a Mama eats can make a baby gassy, fussy and colicky. By helping them with a Pediatrician approved food list ahead of time, it will make for a much easier baby shoot.

How do you get newborns and new parents to relax and trust you for their shoot?
Most of my clients come from referrals so much of the trust is there. Way back in the day, that was a challenge. First, I looked really young and at 28, I was young, but I looked like I was 23. People would ask if I was the assistant or if I had just gotten out of college. I had to bump up my confidence level to let people trust me. I didn't have kids so I would just have to prove to them through my imagery and handling of the baby that I knew what I was doing. I was very comfortable with babies as I started babysitting when I was 12, so that was easy. I just would appear as confident as I could and take the baby from them as soon as they came in. This would allow me to talk to them while rocking and soothing their baby. I believe this helped a lot in the early years. Now I have a pretty solid reputation so it’s not an issue. Parents are usually dead tired so we give them drinks and snacks and tell them to just sit on our sofa and relax while I take care of the baby. I also never start with the family photos. I always start with the baby so the parents can watch me and relax.
How did you come up with the idea of TAOPAN?
In 2007, I wrote a book called "The Art of Pregnancy and Newborn". I had been working pretty steady with pregnancy and newborns, and I just felt like I wanted to share what I knew. At the time there weren’t any books just on these subjects and so I wrote one. After that came requests for workshops and from there requests for mentoring. It all sort of evolved. I originally called it BStudio as in Brandt Studio, but then I received a call from a Yoga studio that was using the same name. I had to come up with a name super fast, so I just took the letters from the book title to form TAOPAN. We are still trying to switch servers so there are still references to BStudio, which I hope to get rid of.
When did you first write it?
August 2007
How has it evolved from then until now?
Well it went form just teaching a class of 6 photographers to working with thousands of photographers all over the world. We have a large network of photographers in over a dozen countries and a small group of over 600 members in our private mentoring/online workshop. I have also designed over a dozen Maternity Gowns and our full collection of Mama and Baby contain over 100 pieces. We have just recently added Reps in 5 countries that will help us expand our line and brand. I feel like I am only just getting started, as I have so many ideas.
Explain what TAOPAN is.
The Art of Pregnancy and Newborn, which encompasses tools and support for photographers through workshops and online mentoring.
How does one become a member?
They can go to our website and signup.
What do you get with a membership?
Hundreds of downloads for one. I have written books on OB Display, Portrait Parties, speaking to MOPS groups and more and all of this is included. We continually offer fresh lessons, webinars, and personal mentoring. New Members have access to over 250,000 posts and can always receive one-on-one guidance with building their business, pricing, posing, retouching and more. It is all focused on pregnancy, newborn and early childhood. Whether someone has been in the business 1 year or 20 years, if they want to strengthen these areas of their business, this is the place. It is an online community that is built around mentoring and teaching. Students also receive discounts to our clothing line and we love to do challenges so they can win free products.
What type of workshops do you teach?
Pregnancy and newborn only

What can attendees expect to learn from one of your workshops?
My workshops are hands-on and they are usually two days. So each day we have at least 2-3 models throughout the day. I usually lead the first session discussing my transitional posing methods and how I work with my clients. The students then get in teams and lead the remaining two sessions, with my assistance. They learn how to pose and wrap pregnant woman, as well as soothe and pose newborns. Students leave with hundreds or thousands of images and full model releases so they can use the images for their marketing and websites. We also sit down and discuss pricing and marketing. I have had brand new photographers in my workshops to 20-year veterans. It’s for any photographers that loves pregnancy and newborn imagery and wants to perfect their technique and business marketing.

Tell us a little about you...
Where are you from?
I was born in NY. I was abandoned by my birth mother at 2 and put in foster care. At 4, my biological mother received my brother and I back, only to leave us on a street corner in NYC and walk away. For 6-weeks, I was in the system classified as homeless and under state care, until they found my Foster mother who later adopted me. I am the youngest of 5 in my adopted family.
Are you married?
Yes for 12 years
Kids? Ages?
Yes - 3 - Evan is 10, Olivia is 8 and Ava is 6 - 2 dogs and a turtle!
What is your favorite Savvy indulgence?
Hmmmm, I am a pretty simple person so my indulgences are very small. Going to the beach with the kids, a mani/pedi any day is a wonderful indulgence and a massage is the icing on the cake!
If you weren't a photographer, what would you be?
Oh wow, loaded question - depends on the day. I don't think I would be any one thing because I like to do too many things. I love being creative. So I would most likely be a clothing designer or have a children’s boutique. I love to make anything. I could sit all day and do crafts. And I mean all day! Martha Stewart’s job would be fun, but I also love being outside and riding horses, so whatever I would be doing it would be crazy busy! In another world, I would also have about 5 more kids and have us all running around barefoot, painting and making things! That would be heaven on earth.

Thank you Ana for a wonderful interview!
Also a big thanks to Leslie Kerrigan for interviewing Ana. I loved reading it!
Ana is such a gracious and sharing teacher in the photography community that has helped so many photographers reach the next level with their business.
We couldn't have such a great interview and tell about Ana's great products without having a giveaway, now could we?
One lucky winner will win the Baby Bean Bag set from TAOPAN!

Loving the basket cozy's!! I need some of those!! But I need these bean bags MUCH MORE!!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I definitely need those bean bags!! Would be so helpful during sessions.
ReplyDeleteThe rectangle bean bag is my fav
ReplyDeleteThe Gray Barnyard flooring at Savvy is really cool!
ReplyDeleteI signed up for the Taopan magazine
ReplyDeleteReally really love the bean bags...could definitely use one of those in my studio, would be so helpful in helping get the babies into a good position.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item is the bean bag set
ReplyDeleteJust signed up for the Magazine Subscription
ReplyDeleteLOVE the beanbags! LOVE LOVE LOVE that they are waterproof ;)
ReplyDeleteI really love the bean bag set that is just what I need the small pillows and blanket i've been using aren't cutting it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI've been eyeing the barnyard rugs from savy for a long time it will definitely be my next studio purchase
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the tutu dresses!
ReplyDeleteI signed up for the TAOPAN magazine
ReplyDeleteI love the Northern Barnwood at The Savvy Store!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item in the savvy store is the whitewash flooring!
ReplyDeleteI love the TAOPAN Pink Baby Blooms! So cute!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite product in your Savvy Store is the frames ~ esp the beachy blue color.
ReplyDeleteI signed up for the magazine!
ReplyDeletesigned up for the Taopan Magazine ~ TY!
ReplyDeleteI love the Savvy Northern Barnwood flooring.
ReplyDeleteOoooo. From your store it's hard! I love all the flooring. Mostly the Northern Barnwood!
ReplyDeleteLove her store! I love the petal bloomers for diaper covers.
ReplyDeleteSigned up for her magazine!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the magazine.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the Angel baby tutu
ReplyDeleteLove the barnwoon floor by Savvy
ReplyDeleteI love the Baby Bloomz in pink! So cute!
ReplyDeleteI love the ruffled mama at Taopan.
ReplyDeleteI love the Savvy Whitewash flooring.
ReplyDeleteI am signed up for the Taopan magazine ;)
ReplyDeleteI love the mini bean bags. BUT I have been looking for plain cotton diaper covers!!! So excited that they have them in the TAoPan store.
ReplyDeleteI am saving up for the Distressed Spice Oak and the Brown Wooden Planks flooring in the Savvy store.
ReplyDeleteSigned up for my free subscription to TAoPaN magazine.
ReplyDeleteI adore the Baby Bean Bags! Must have these!!!
ReplyDeleteFavs are the whitewash flooring, they came in a few weeks ago and i LOVE them!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the magazine!~
ReplyDeleteSo many cute items to chose from, but the bean bags look like a must and that is why they are my favorite pick from the store!
I'm loving the pink blooms set! So sweet!!! And those bean bags are a must have!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the pink whitewash wood floor in the Savvy store!
ReplyDeleteI love the barnwood flooring from the savvy shop!
ReplyDeleteI like the Baby Boy Stripe hat! So cute!
ReplyDeleteI signed up for the free magazine
ReplyDeleteI love the little bean bags! But I also love the gowns for mommas. Unfortunately I don't think my clientele would like them sheer :(
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the Mama Thredz collection from TAOPAN!! I would love to get any one of the gowns for pregnancy photos!
ReplyDeleteI am already signed up for the free Magazine, and I love it!
ReplyDeleteI Love the barnwood flooring from the Savvy Shop!! :o)
The beanbag set is my favorite! I definitely could use something like that!
ReplyDeleteAlready signed up for the free magazine! Thank you for the opportunity to win this give away! =)
ReplyDeleteLove the Savvy barnwood flooring!!!
ReplyDeleteI am in love with these bags, have been drooling for a long time.
ReplyDeleteSO thank you for the chance to win them.
I also love the mama threadz at TAOPAN's site. I have the hot mama. But have my eye the skirt and tube top.
my favorite product is the tutu dresses.
ReplyDeleteI love the whitewash savvy floors
ReplyDeleteI already have subscribed to the magazine and love it! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteLove all of the barnwood flooring from Savvy:)
ReplyDeleteLove the basket cozy's and the bean bags:) Definitely need those! Thanks for the chance to win:)
ReplyDeletealready subscribe to the TAOPAN magazine
ReplyDeletei LOVE the maternity dresses and skirts...very classic!
ReplyDeletefave item from Savvy is the Northern Barnwood flooring
ReplyDeletemy fave item from TAOPAN is the bean bag set
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item from TAOPAN by far is the bean bags! I will be using the coupon code if I don't win! For sure :)
ReplyDeleteI love the bean bags! They would be so useful :)
ReplyDeleteI love the baby bean bag set! Perfect thing for all those poses that require rolled up blankets and such!
ReplyDeleteI love savvy's barnwood floor!
ReplyDeleteMy fav from Savvy is the barnwood flooring :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE LOVE LOVE the bean bags....I follow TAOPAN religiously and have been drooling over them!
ReplyDeleteFavorite savvy product would have to be the them all! :)
ReplyDeletealready subscribe to taopan!
ReplyDeleteLove the Cottage Collection Frames....seriously perfect!
ReplyDeleteI already subscribe to the TAOPAN mag and am a member of the forum. :)
ReplyDeletefavorite davvy item is DEFINITLY the rugs. I want them ALL!!
ReplyDeletemy fav item?
ReplyDeletethe BEAN BAGS!! SUPER IDEA!!
3) I signed up & receive the taopan free magazine!
ReplyDelete2) Secondly, I’m absolutely in LOVE with the Barnwood Cottage Collection Frames
ReplyDelete1) My favorite product would be the pink baby blooms :) I’m loving them a lot and really would like to get them before our little girl is due in July :)
ReplyDelete(1)Leave a comment here telling us your favorite product from the TAOPAN store…many goodies there to choose from!
ReplyDelete(2)To earn another entry, head over to the Savvy Store and tell us your favorite product from there…them come back here and leave a comment.
(3) Also, sign up for the free magazine from TAOPAN at their site. Then leave your entry here!
1) My favorite product would be the pink baby blooms :) I'm loving them a lot and really would like to get them before our little girl is due in July :)
2) Secondly, I'm absolutely in LOVE with the Barnwood Cottage Collection Frames
3) I signed up & receive the taopan free magazine!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the baby bean bag set!!! :)
Have to say I love the bean bag collection. Especially with my own newborn on the way! Would be perfect for posing.
ReplyDeleteI love the TAoPaN "Ruffled Mama"
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item in the Savvy store is the barnwood floor! I could really use one!
ReplyDeleteI looked around the TAOPAN store--there are so many great things! I think my favorite is actually the bean bag set because I had a newborn session yesterday where I really could have used them!!
ReplyDeleteFrom saavy I love the brown barnwood floor. Just beautiful!
ReplyDeleteI'm also lovin' Savvy's "Green Whitewash Wood"
ReplyDeleteYAY! I've wanted this bean bag set for a while now...definitely my fav from TAOPAN. :)
ReplyDeleteAlready a TAOPAN mag subscriber.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the baby bean bag set!!
My fav from Savvy would most definitely be the barnwood flooring! Love how they transform a photo.
ReplyDeleteI really love all of the TAOPAN bean bag newborn posing props. But if I had to pick one it would be the large circle.
Just signed up for the free e-mag! What a great resource!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing would have to be the beach house collection templates
I love all of the flooring options that the Savvy Photographer Store has. I sent you all message also :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing on Taopan is the bean bag set! I could really use that!
ReplyDeleteI really like all of the TAOPAN Bean Bag Newborn Props. If I had to pick just one it would be the large circle
ReplyDeleteAlready a Taopan magazine subscriber!!! Love it!
ReplyDeleteI've signed up for their magazine :)
ReplyDeleteI am a new subscriber to the TAOPAN magazine :)
My favorite thing in the Savvy store is the barnwood flooring!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for newsletter
ReplyDeleteWould love the bean bag set!
ReplyDeleteI love the baby bean bag set
ReplyDeleteSavy : Love the grey barnwood
ReplyDeleteLove the MamaLove gown in the Taopan Store. Or the baby blooms. Hard to decide! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm signed up for the Magazine! My fingers are crossed now - I could REALLY use those fabulous bean bags :)
ReplyDeleteIn the Savvy store - I think the barnwood floor is my fav...
ReplyDeleteI LOVE TAoPaN! Just signed up for their magazine. I LOVE their Pink Baby Blooms! Adorable!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful giveaway you are hosting, Savvy! Thanks!
Sign up for the magazine. Always inspired by TAoPaN! Love love love their pink baby blooms!
ReplyDeleteThe bean bags set look so great for posing the little ones.
ReplyDeleteI go between the frames and the "wood floors", from the Savvy store.
ReplyDeleteI;m already a subscriber to the newsletter.
ReplyDeleteI love the bean bag set...very useful I'm sure :)
ReplyDeleteSavvy's barnwood flooring...I really need to get some!!
ReplyDeleteI subscribed to the TAOPAN magazine
ReplyDeleteI love the bean bag set! Would come in GREAT use with all the babies I'm waiting on being born over the next few months!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm coveting the Savvy Barnwood floors. They're very high up on my shopping list!!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the free magazine..
ReplyDeleteI love the bean bags and sure could use one.
ReplyDeleteIn the Savvy Store, the barnyard flooring and coastal frames are my favorite. Saving up for them as we write :).
ReplyDeleteI already get the TAOPAN magazine and it is great!
ReplyDeleteFrom the TAoPaN store, I love the little pom pom hats. I'm always a sucker for cute hats.
ReplyDeleteFrom the savvy store I love the white wash flooring! Someday I will buckle down and press the buy button!
ReplyDeleteI really love the blooms sets. Any of them are adorable!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE those beanbags!! I have been using cloth diapers. I saw one of you videos on Youtube a couple of weeks ago and was wondering where you got those bags. So glad I saw this!
ReplyDeleteI signed up for the magazine!
ReplyDeleteSavvy Store....definitely the flooring!
ReplyDeleteEasy peasy - those bean bags rock!!!!!!
ReplyDeletesigning up for the magazine- yipeee
ReplyDeletefrom Savvy - I love the boat house collection
ReplyDeleteI really like the blooms hats and diaper covers!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the Topan magazine!
ReplyDeleteI really love the Cottage collection of frames at the Savvy Store!
I love the bamboo flooring in the savvy store. and the white wash.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for the chances to win.
ReplyDeleteWow! Great interview and wonderful giveaway. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I'm just getting started and would love to win those bean bags--they are my fave product in the shop!
ReplyDeleteI love the whitewash flooring from Savvy!
ReplyDeleteJust signed up for the free mag--what a great resource. Thanks!
The baby bean bag set is my current fav item - had my eye on them for a while:) Thanks for the chance!
ReplyDeleteThose baby bean bags are genius!
ReplyDeleteI subscribe to the TAoPaN magazine.
ReplyDeleteI love the Northern Barnwood flooring in the savvy store:)
ReplyDeleteSigned up for the magazine!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the flooring in the Savvy Store!
ReplyDelete1. Love the baby bean bags! Definitely need a set of those!
ReplyDelete2. Love the canvas templates at the Savvy Store!
Definitely love those bags on their site the best!
ReplyDeleteLove the bean bags ...Such a good idea!
ReplyDeleteBarnwood flooring is so nice...My fav savvy product
ReplyDeleteI am already receive the Taopan free email magazine!
ReplyDeleteThe baby bean bags are brilliant and unusual. Very cool!
ReplyDeleteFrom the Savvy store there are loads of cool things but my eye was drawn to the barn wood frames. Love those colors!
ReplyDeleteSigned up for magazine!
ReplyDeleteI love the white or black halter gowns Mrs. Brandt provides.
ReplyDeleteI think they are very classy looking.
Marsha from your store I love the flooring but also your frames.
ReplyDeleteSorry couldn't just pick one =)
I already receive the magazine and notices from the TAOPAN site.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I loved reading your article about Mrs. Brandt.
I don't care about winning a prize, I love her story. Her passion truly speaks for itself. That is what I hope people also see in my work.
ReplyDeleteI love the momma gowns and would LOVE to have any of them. Was looking at them last night. I have been a member for a couple of years! Love it! Go join!
The bean bags look really cool! Would like one of those too!
ReplyDeleteOk so, if you are looking for discount diapers like pampers or huggies or whatever, you should really take a look at Amazon. They ship fast and you get a great discount. It may not be much to you but I saved something like $120 last month: Amazon
ReplyDeleteHello, I have found a wordpress plugin that does the job to rank websites automaticaly in google.This works for me!!! I wont tell you more. Just take a look at my url.Enjoy !
ReplyDeleteSince jibing for some time for just a proper read in reckons to this rather ecological niche. Assaying in Bing I now spotted this website . Looking this information So i am pleased to bring that I have a very good depression I bumbled onto whatever I was quick for. I'll make sure to don't forget this internet site and devote it a look consistently .
Definitely the baby bean bags. Thanks so much for posting such an inspirational interview!
ReplyDeleteShelle A
I really love the Love blocks, so vintage and Cute