Tuesday, November 17, 2009

{vendor week...day 2}

by Kelly McMahon Willette
Do you struggle with posing children, siblings, seniors or families once you get to a session? Are you spending too much time at a session randomly clicking your shutter, hoping to get "that shot" while the parents look at you like you don't know what you're doing?
WELL, I'm so happy to offer this super useful tool to my fellow photographers. After fumbling with how to create a seamless session, i came up with my own "pose cheat sheet" of sorts....i tell you what, it changed the flow of my sessions with multiple children and families.
The guides include at least 25 poses each (+ additional poses within the unique pose cards)....don't stress over what to do at a session again!
VISIT The Portrait Cookbook for more information.
The “cookbook” is presented as a downloadable file containing
at least 25 jpg images for you to print,
along with other organizing detail sheets,
such as an equipment checklist,
a guide on how to successfully use the portrait posing cards,
and a checklist to guide you pose by pose through
a client’s home or outdoor setting.
Coupon code is: savvyphotographer; good for $10 off your order; expires December 01, 2009; use coupon upon checking out.


MadiLu Designs creates marketing materials
and templates specifically for photographers.
We specialize in custom marketing sets, which include business cards, letterhead, envelopes, stickers, brochures, forms and more. Each set is created to fit the style
and personality of the photographer.
Custom logo design is also available.
The MadiMoo Club is a monthly collection of templates
that will keep your product line fresh.
You'll find more of MadiLu Designs work at PinkInk Studios, including premade marketing sets and card templates.
Visit http://www.madiludesigns.com/ for more details.
{Keep an eye out for a giveaway soon from MadiLu...a custom made logo!}


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